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1. When completing the following assessment, I will reflect upon my personal  experiences and behaviors to provide genuine answers to the statements below.

2. I genuinely care about diversity with inclusion.

3. I believe that people should be open to asking questions that broaden discussions and offer deeper insights.

4. I do not see the value of interacting with mixed groups.

5. I welcome and accept different perspectives at work.

6. I encourage broad thinking and openness to learning from one another.

7. I welcome and accept different perspectives outside of work.

8. In interactions with others, I am comfortable expressing my honest opinion.

9. I express appreciation of differing perspectives to discourage narrow-mindedness and encourage openness to learning from one another.

10. I empathize with how others are feeling when engaged in a discussion.

11. It is important to appreciate other people’s backgrounds and mindsets.

12. I am familiar with cultures outside of my own.

13. I know my identity.

14. I advocate for diversity with inclusion.

15. I educate myself on different cultural backgrounds and perspectives.

16. My actions demonstrate my understanding of cultural nuances.

17. I do my best to act as a cultural bridge in my interactions (i.e., being an ally who helps people of different backgrounds and perspectives better understand each other.)

18. In conversations, I adapt my behavior to accommodate people of different backgrounds if necessary.

19. I engage with people of different backgrounds because it is important to consider a broad range of perspectives.

20. I try to understand other people’s views and backgrounds.

21. I am acutely mindful of whether my colleagues may be feeling excluded or isolated.

22. I don't care about what other people think and just speak my mind.

23. I make an effort not to treat anyone with a foreign accent differently.

24. I disregard people's feelings in my actions and decisions.

25. I am conscious of people's feelings when I speak

26. I show concern for my colleagues by discussing and appreciating their individual circumstances.

27. I dominate conversations.

28. I proactively ask those who have not had a chance to contribute their perspectives and input.

29. We should not let our preconceived views dictate our decisions.

30. There would be fewer problems in society if there was more acceptance  of culturally diverse groups.

31. Despite my best intentions, I have found myself judging others by the way  they look.

32. I avoid individuals from other cultures 

33. I question my own biases in my actions to be as impartial as possible

34. I ask questions in an unbiased way to get more diverse perspectives.

35. I choose to mostly work with people who look like me.

36. In discussions, I listen to and consider different ideas and perspectives  without prejudgment.

37. I treat people who are like me more favorably than others.


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